Economics and Thermodynamics

The circular flow model of production and consumption lies at the heart of standard economics modeling. The economy is seen as a closed system of exchange between households (which supply factors of production and buy goods and services) and firms (which use factors of production to make goods and services...


The tech mega-cap stocks (FAANGM) now represent 24% of the S&P 500 capitalization. Poor Fund Managers: if you manage billions you are forced to allocate it to assets that are both highly liquid and performing. This keeps pushing more money into fewer assets. Market concentration of this type is a...

Markets' Blow-Up

In 1990 all market transactions combined totaled five times global GDP but by 2007 it was seventy-three times. Vogl: Ascendancy of Finance - Review


Epictetus once said, “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”


‘Anyone who thinks you can have infinite growth in finite circumstances is either a madman or an economist’. (Kenneth Boulding)

Money Rules

The global money supply continues to expand considerably faster than the world economy, as it has since the 1970s. Broad money was 59 per cent of global gdp in 1970, 104 per cent in 2000 and 125 per cent in 2015. What is growing, alongside money, is debt: up from...


An expert is one who never makes small mistakes on the road to the grand delusion.

Species in Numbers

While human population has doubled since 1970, the number of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians have dropped by more than half. Insect abundance has fallen by 75% over the last 27 years.

Recipe for Collapse

Capitalism: perpetual Growth on a finite Planet - a formula for Collapse!

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