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Capitalism - Exhausting Nature Page Capitalism is an expansionary economic system - Capital Accumulation is a core feature. Markets grow by commodifying ever new spheres of human activity. Reso...
Economics and Thermodynamics Post The circular flow model of production and consumption lies at the heart of standard economics modeling. The economy is seen as a closed system of exchange between households (which supply factors of production and buy goods and services) and firms (which use factors of production to make goods and services...
Markets' Blow-Up Post In 1990 all market transactions combined totaled five times global GDP but by 2007 it was seventy-three times. Vogl: Ascendancy of Finance - Review
Madmen Post ‘Anyone who thinks you can have infinite growth in finite circumstances is either a madman or an economist’. (Kenneth Boulding)
Money Rules Post The global money supply continues to expand considerably faster than the world economy, as it has since the 1970s. Broad money was 59 per cent of global gdp in 1970, 104 per cent in 2000 and 125 per cent in 2015. What is growing, alongside money, is debt: up from...
Washington Consensus Post The ‘Ruling Paradigm’ of the neoliberal era emerged in the late 1980s / early 1990s (check) under the label of ‘The Washington Consensus’. The Ruling World Power (the U.S.) thread it’s preferred principles down the neck of it’s satetites and dependends. So the World was to be governed. The Financial...
Nudging Post ‘Nudging’ is a recent fad from within behavioural economics. The aim of the nudge approach is both to test non-coercive alternatives to traditional regulation and to enhance cooperation between the public and the private sector. A nudge refers to “any aspect of the choice architecture that alters people’s behavior in...