The following pages and posts are tagged with

Capitalism - Exhausting Nature Page Capitalism is an expansionary economic system - Capital Accumulation is a core feature. Markets grow by commodifying ever new spheres of human activity. Reso...
Environmental Action Page Environmental Action
Atmosphere Degradation Page Atmosphere degradation
Biodiversity Page Biodiversity
Forest Degradation Page Forest Dynamics
Environment Page Environmental Concerns
Land Degradation Page Land degradation
Ocean Page Ocean
Planetary Boundaries Page Planetary Boundaries
Soil Degradation Page Soil degradation
Ozone Layer Destruction Once More Post A sharp and mysterious rise in emissions of a key ozone-destroying chemical has been detected by scientists, despite its production being banned around the world. The source of the new emissions has been tracked to east Asia, but finding a more precise location requires further investigation. The Guardian May...
Agriculture threatens Birds Post “The State of the World’s Birds”, a five-year compendium of population data from the best-studied group of animals on the planet, reveals a biodiversity crisis driven by the expansion and intensification of agriculture. In all, 74% of 1,469 globally threatened birds are affected primarily by farming. Logging, invasive species and...
Ocean Plastics Tax Post The UK Treasury is starting considereing taxes / charges on single-use plastics such as takeaway cartoons and packaging. The introduction just over two years ago of a 5p charge on single-use plastic bags led to an 85% reduction in their use inside six months. An estimated 12m tonnes of plastic...
Species in Numbers Post While human population has doubled since 1970, the number of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians have dropped by more than half. Insect abundance has fallen by 75% over the last 27 years.
Modern Pollution Post Pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and premature death in the world today. Diseases caused by pollution were responsible for an estimated 9 million premature deaths in 2015—16% of all deaths worldwide—three times more deaths than from AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined and 15 times more than from...
Forest Degradation Post Measuring the detoriation of the environment is not easy. The surveilance of tropical forests has mainly been based on interpretation of satelite imageniary. This basically estimate the extent of the tree canopy - an area measure, assuming that what is below is unchanged. A new study shows that this...