Experiencing life in mature age has it’s own charms - and pitfalls!

Having met my latest flame of love a few years ago we have had a period of rejuvenation - but gradually settled back in our own (bad?) habits.

One of mine is not being particularily fond of cleaning the house.

From time to time my partner made small complaints and pointed to dirty spots. I tried to smile and apologize and clean up accordingly when she was out of sight. This strategy seemed to work. I managed to maintain a level of house cleanliness acceptable to my partner - and life went happily on.

Recently my partner underwent an eye operation in the local hospital and got new lenses. The first few days she complained over pains and blurred vision. However after a week the wound healed and she came to me smilingly proud saying her vision was now clearly improved - afterall the operation had been a great success and a benefit for her.

Not so for me! Not long after we were making dinner in the small kitchen and she suddenly started to notice how dirty the oven was, and then how dirty the window were, and how dirty the spiceshelf was, and then how dirty the bucket cabinet was, and … you can imagine!

Obviously I had benefited from her reduced vision and kept going on an unsustainable level of housely cleanliness! Poor me, the Day of Truth had arrived with her new improved vision! She pulled out for a time - giving me a chance to raise my standards. As a man tilting towards a little vagabond style of living this may be a tough task - at the time of writing the timing for her pulling back in has not been ascertained.
