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How Current Capitalism Works Page How Current Capitalism Works
Capitalism - Shrinking Democracy Page As large parts of the electorate in Western countries are 'left behind' economically but still keep their voting rights the contradiction between capitalism ...
Capitalism - Exhausting Nature Page Capitalism is an expansionary economic system - Capital Accumulation is a core feature. Markets grow by commodifying ever new spheres of human activity. Reso...
Capitalism Page Capitalism - the end of the endless expansion?
Capitalism - No more Progess Page In Capitalism's latest phase - the Neoliberal Era - the system's capability to deliver social and economic progress has faded. Large parts of the population ...
Capitalism - Agglomerating Humankind Page Capitalism's uneven development pulls people out of the countryside to resettle in ever larger urban concentrations. This is the logic of indutrialisation an...
Market-Concentration-at-Top Post The tech mega-cap stocks (FAANGM) now represent 24% of the S&P 500 capitalization. Poor Fund Managers: if you manage billions you are forced to allocate it to assets that are both highly liquid and performing. This keeps pushing more money into fewer assets. Market concentration of this type is a...
Wealth Post Epictetus once said, “Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”
A Call to DeCommodify Capitalism Post Three scholars: Isabelle Ferreras, Dominique Méda, and Julie Battilana on May 16, 2020 launched a petition in Le Monde for #democratizingwork. The text Work: Democratize, Decommodify, Remediate was published in 41 publications, in 36 countries around the world, in 27 languages. The text is open for signing at the...
Relevance of Marx Post The 200 year birthday of Karl Marx ocuured on May 5th, 2018. Stuart Jeffries considers Marx relevance today and finds that what makes Marx worth today is his still resonant diagnoses of capitalism - that is, how globalisation works -today! “In place of the old wants,” Marx and Engels wrote,...
Explaining Capitalism Post Yanis Varoufakis book Talking to my Daughter About the Economy is out in English translation and presented in an interview with The Guardian. The book is an rare attempt to explain to a youth how Capitalism emerged and works. Simple explanation of complex issues is an art. Look...
Recipe for Collapse Post Capitalism: perpetual Growth on a finite Planet - a formula for Collapse!
Where do we go from the End of the Road? Post The pioneering capitalists in California aims for the stars. The space industry is now driven by private companies, like Elon Musk’s SpaceX. This may be a sign of Earthly Capitalism meeting The End of the Road (on Earth). The Question coming up on the horizon is obviously: Where does Capitalism...