Labour without energy is a corpse, and capital without energy is a sculpture. (Steve Keen)

Fix (2020) The energetic basis of society

Murphy (2011) The Energy Trap


Borup (2017) Nordic Green Hydrogen (pdf)

Bossel (2006) Does a hygrogen economy make sense? (pdf)

Bossel and Eliasson (?) Energy and the Hydrogen Economy (pdf)

EU’s hydrogen push (2020)

Germany’s Hydrogen Strategy (2020)

Wandel (2017) Debunking Bossel

Zyga (2006) On Bossel




Looking toward a windmill - with the wind from behind - it rotates clockwise. On the Northern Hemisphere they could possibly produce more energy by rotating the other way. This intersting article takes us on a revisit to the Coreolis Effect.

Englberger (2020) Wind turbines rotate wrong way pdf

Windpower Capital trashes Costal Wildlife

Badly located windparks along the Norwegian coastline are extremely harmful to protected birdlife. Local nature protection is overun by powerful Wind Energy Capital interest.

Norway’s Coastal Windmills’ Conflicts (TV Report in Norwegian)
