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       Oligarchy should be understood as the politics of wealth defense
January 1, 2024 \ January 1, 2024 religion\        modernist fall for the opiate of social science and stock market analysts
January 1, 2024 geopolitics\        yemens red sea blockade arsenals mismatch
January 2, 2024 geopolitics\        forced displacements of peoples isreal-gaza in historic context
January 2, 2024 israel\        israels 1990s peace policy perez
January 2, 2024 geopolitics\        economic convergence as peace strategy
January 2, 2024 geopolitics\        western development model bankruptcy
January 4, 2024 civilization\        fermi paradox drake equation climate change civilization collapse
January 5, 2024 israel\        south africa accusation to icj for israels genocide in gaza
January 7, 2024 israel\        us intervene between israel and gaza proposal
January 7, 2024 israel\        etnic cleansing and end game
January 7, 2024 geopolitics\        rules-based subimperial order
January 8, 2024 israel\        gaza prospects
January 8, 2024 spain\        el abismo del olvido civel war reconciliation
January 18, 2024 science\        pdf reference Hansen GlobalWarming Pipeline