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Urban Epidemics Page **Social Distancing** has become the mantra of policy response to the 2020 *Corona Outbreak*. Economic forces have for centruries pushed people closer and closer together in urban agglomerations. The emergence of a major *pandemic* in the 21th century - although forewarned - obviously was not a risk factor considered seriously...
Urbanization - Overview Page [//]: # (Comments on edit:? ) The following subsections are so far available: [Ground Rent]({{site.url}}/urb_groundrent.html) [Urban Epidemics]({{site.url}}/urb_corona.html) [Urban Scaling]({{site.url}}/urb_scale.html) and [Various Urban Issues]({{site.url}}/urb_varia.html) which touches upon: - Urban Social-Ecological Systems - India's Modermity - Google Urbanism - Digital Strategy for Urbaan Value Extraction - Removal of annoying Regulations by means...
Urban Scaling Page ### Scaling Laws "Scaling laws are power-law relationships of the form $Y = cX^β$, where $Y$ represents a variable which varies in a systematic way with the size $X$ of subsystems and $c$ and $β$ are parameters. They have two powerful advantages: they summarize structural features of systems in a...