Liberalisms Blindness

The Decline of America Anusar Farooqi (‘Policy Tensor’) has provided an excellent discussion1 of how the decline of America come about and what can(?) be done to reverse it - and why Trump does not have the answers. He does not discuss who have been responsible for the decline or whether it could have been omitted. In my mind there is one culprit: liberalism. Let me explain: The Law of The Market Society Liberalism potently exploits egoism - calling for individual freedom (of enterprise) and forgetting the importance of collective values and equality of rights and endowments....

The times they are a changing

End of an era? Donald Trump has been on his first international trip as President of the U.S. European leaders for the first time in postwar history finds they can no longer trust the U.S. Government. Neither in defence (Nato), climate change (Paris Accord) or trade (TTIP). We are experiencing the slow collapse of the hegemonic US era. Gone are the days of the Washington Concensus and the Neoliberal economic doctrine....