
Planetary Politics More than Green Transition is needed Norway and most other countries are struggling with the green shift. It is politically self-inflicted trouble. The industrial nations believe that the climate and nature crises can be solved through a large-scale focus on new economic growth in the ’new green industries'. But these are not investments to save the climate and nature - they are investments to save the industrial society created by capital and technology....

The Case of Norway

Nordic differences My Swedish friend Torbjörn just sent me a paper clip containing a notice of a Swedish economics professor commenting on the economic situation in Norway. Lars Calmfors in DN 22 feb 2021. The notice is triggered by his involvement in a Norwegian Green Paper Commision on Labour and Income Policy. NOU 2019:7. The Commision shouldpropose new measures to increase labour participation in Norway. Internationally the Nordic (sometimes only Scandinavian) countries are mostly treated as fairly much of the same under the heading of ‘The Nordic Model’....