Development as Enemy

Simplicity as Enemy When things are simple and works well people are happy with what they have. Happy people don’t want ‘Change’ - they want to go on with what they have. Then ‘Development’ isn’t neccesary, that’s a problem - for ‘Capital’. Capital needs ‘Growth’ - and don’t get it! So ‘Simplicity’ and ‘Capital’ don’t go together. As ‘Capital’ is (in) ‘Power’, ‘Simplicity’ will loose. Simple things thats works well are pulled from the market....

Capitalism is creeping up on my Beach

Each morning or afternoon I go to the nearby beach for swimming. Here in Spain the beach zone (100m) is declared public land. However, corrupt local politicians have managed to let in hotel businesses and allowed them to enclose their gardens and pools by fences or walls. After a while the hotel owners think they own the land as well - and put up signs and lock the doors to keep the public out of ’their’ part of the public zone....