The Hamas attack on 7th October, 2023 shaked the Israeli nation in it’s foundations.

Occupation becomes Normality

Jews had acquired an illusion of safeness about living in their Jewish republic.

The unruly palestinians were kept at pace outside walls and fences or by heavy policing within.

The ruly palestinians were pacified by access to Israeli jobs and pieces of that cake.

The IDF had control in the territories and the PLA cooperated submissively. Jews could finally enjoy an era of peace and prosperity in ’their own country'.

The occupation had lasted for half a century or more - it had become a part of normality that no Jews actually cared about.

Palestine no longer existed - in Jewish minds

Gaza was out of the Jewish mind - a compound for unwanted ‘aboriginals’ forcefully displaced behind a wall - out ofsight, out of mind.

The evil of the Israeli terror neccecary for the expulsion of palestinians was mentally repressed in Jewish minds and historical memory. The Jews thought palestinians broken and powerless. The neigbouring Arab governing elites thought likewise.

The New Middle-East was within reach

Palestine was off the table - the time had come for Arab neigbours to make peace with Israel and bring the Israeli economic dynamism into a force serving the whole region. Treaties were made and more were planned.

The Rising of The Gaza Ghetto

Hamas attack was a desperate move to avoid being ignored and forgotten - both by the Israeli enemy and by their Arab ‘brothers’.

If I should compare it to anything it must be the equally desperate 1944 uprising of Jews in the Warsaw ghetto.

The two Delusions

Hitler at that time sought his ‘final solution’ by killing the Jews, but extinction was beyond reach.

Israel today seeks its own ‘final solution’ by flattening Gaza and killing Palestinians almost indiscriminately, but extinction is still beyond reach.

No Peace, No Safety

There will be now peace and no safety.

War will go on.

There is no room for a ‘democratic’ republic with a racist constituion - never.