Some Time Soon - things will be the same, but different.

However, we did not notice the emerging change? - or did we?

David Roberts tweet the day after the Trump-mob storm on Capitol: Feels like we’re trapped in a script, a play, that has been performed several times around the world recently. And even though we know exactly how the fall-of-democracy script plays out – every beat, every chapter – we’re just trapped, helpless, watching it play out

In 2018 Matthew Stewart had an excellent piece in the Atlantic on the morphing of the upper 9.9 percent of American wealth-distribution into a new Aristocracy.

Perhaps the best evidence for the power of an aristocracy is the degree of resentment it provokes (Matthew Stewart)

Trump is a smart entrepreneur - first in business, then in politics. Before other he saw the vote potential in the resentment against this new aristocracy - The Washington Swamp.

Trump succeeded in creating a bizarre aliance between ultra-rich and the left-behinds of the neoliberal era - picking up enough votes to start an attack on the ruling aristocracy.

230 years have gone since the French Revolution - and we still have not seen the return of the pitchforks.

Obama sold ‘change’ without delivering. Trump makes ‘change’, but only for the benefit of the ultra-rich. His attacks on the aristocracy in Washington is enough to get him going with the resentfull.

The aristocracy managed to overturn their 2016-loss with at call for ‘healing of the nation’. But how should this healing occur? Only removal of the aristocracy will satisfy the resentfull. That will not happen witouth the pitchforks. Some time soon there is worse to come.