The Thai districts on the Myanmar border have very mixed ethnic groups and a rough history:

The Shan are not the only ethnic group living here. Ban Mae Aeb is a small village comprising five ethnic groups living togetger. Besides the Shan, the village is home to Chinese, Lahu, Akha and Lua.

The “Lost Army” - the republic of China’s 93rd Division - fled into Burma after their defeat to the communist. The Chinese Nationalist troop tried to attack Yunnan province in China, but were pushed into Burma. Then they were pressured by the Burmese army to move out.

Whereever the Lost Army passed, people from ethnic villages were forced to join them. Men were recruited as porters or soldiers while women were cooks and nurses.

The Lost Army swept villages and left no one behind. The remnants of the Lost Army sought asylum and settled along the Chiang Rai border, particularily in the mountainous areas. In exchange for asylum, they fought for Thailand against communists along the northern border.

Today, descendants of the Lost Army can be found in Doi Mae Salong and other places along the Chiang Rai border.

Though the villages grew with different ethnic groups, Chinese remains the village’s official language.

Thai Hilltribes


Kuomintang Villages