
Planetary Politics More than Green Transition is needed Norway and most other countries are struggling with the green shift. It is politically self-inflicted trouble. The industrial nations believe that the climate and nature crises can be solved through a large-scale focus on new economic growth in the ’new green industries'. But these are not investments to save the climate and nature - they are investments to save the industrial society created by capital and technology....

Capitalism is creeping up on my Beach

Each morning or afternoon I go to the nearby beach for swimming. Here in Spain the beach zone (100m) is declared public land. However, corrupt local politicians have managed to let in hotel businesses and allowed them to enclose their gardens and pools by fences or walls. After a while the hotel owners think they own the land as well - and put up signs and lock the doors to keep the public out of ’their’ part of the public zone....

Israels Delusion

The Hamas attack on 7th October, 2023 shaked the Israeli nation in it’s foundations. Occupation becomes Normality Jews had acquired an illusion of safeness about living in their Jewish republic. The unruly palestinians were kept at pace outside walls and fences or by heavy policing within. The ruly palestinians were pacified by access to Israeli jobs and pieces of that cake. The IDF had control in the territories and the PLA cooperated submissively....

Liberalisms Blindness

The Decline of America Anusar Farooqi (‘Policy Tensor’) has provided an excellent discussion1 of how the decline of America come about and what can(?) be done to reverse it - and why Trump does not have the answers. He does not discuss who have been responsible for the decline or whether it could have been omitted. In my mind there is one culprit: liberalism. Let me explain: The Law of The Market Society Liberalism potently exploits egoism - calling for individual freedom (of enterprise) and forgetting the importance of collective values and equality of rights and endowments....

Are human needs infinite?

Branko Milanovic thinks human needs are infinite and that both Keynes and Marx where wrong to think otherwise. Even best among the economists, like Ricardo and Keynes (in “The economic prospects of our grandchildren”) thought that human needs are limited. We should know better today: the needs are unlimited and because we cannot forecast the exact movements in technology, we cannot forecast what particular form such new needs will take. But we know that our needs are not finite....