Use it or loose it

Yesterday I got a reminder from Mars! There is a ‘Starmus’ conference going on these days, in Trondheim, Norway. One astronaut told about returning to Earth after 43 days in Space - the message being that what you don’t use (in Space) you have lost when back (on Earth) - i.e. without gravity your sense of balance get lost - you have to retrain basic mobility capabilities upon return. So also for elderly people - without exercising mind and body capabilities get lost....

The times they are a changing

End of an era? Donald Trump has been on his first international trip as President of the U.S. European leaders for the first time in postwar history finds they can no longer trust the U.S. Government. Neither in defence (Nato), climate change (Paris Accord) or trade (TTIP). We are experiencing the slow collapse of the hegemonic US era. Gone are the days of the Washington Concensus and the Neoliberal economic doctrine....