
Installing Ace is easy. Just install the Hugo binary, create a new site and install the Ace theme.

Installing Hugo

In order to run this theme, you need to install Hugo on your system. This theme requires Hugo’s extended version to support SCSS compilation, so make please sure you install the extended version. For more detailed information and other methods of installation you can visit the Hugo installation guide.

There may be other ways to install Hugo that are more applicable for your project. For example, you can use the NPM package hugo-bin to include Hugo in a project that already uses NPM packages.

Checking your Hugo installation

Run the following command in your terminal to check if Hugo is installed.

hugo version
Make sure the version name mentions extended, to indicate you’ve installed the extended version of Hugo, which is required for this theme.

Creating a site

Create a new site docs (you may choose any name you want). In your projects root folder, run the following command:

hugo new site docs
This will create a new folder /docs with all required files in it.

Installing the theme

Download and copy the theme files into /docs/themes/ace-documentation or use git to clone the repository to that directory:

cd docs
cd themes
git clone

After theme installation, the /docs/themes/ace-documentation folder should contain the file theme.toml, along with all other theme files.

Configuring your hugo site to use the theme

Inside your site’s folder, /docs, you will find a file called config.toml. This is the configuration file for your site. Open it and configure it to use the Ace theme by setting the following value:

theme = "ace-documentation"

Installing example content

You can add some sample content to your site by placing the contents of the exampleSite directory in your /docs directory.